Типы проектных рaбот в изучении инострaнных языков


  • Н. Б. Сaпaрбaевa КазНУ
  • М. С. Женисбaевa КазНУ
        31 32


This article aims at identifying different types of project work, which is the most essential part of
project-based learning. The project-based learning is one of the teaching technologies that affects all
components of the education system and the entire teaching and educational process in general. It
enables creating a positive environment for education and upbringing, especially for foreign language
learning. This method promotes the development of certain intellectual, creative and communicative
skills such as, the ability to work with information, generating ideas, problem solving, good communication
skills etc.




Как цитировать

Сaпaрбaевa Н. Б., & Женисбaевa М. С. (2018). Типы проектных рaбот в изучении инострaнных языков. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 82(3), 110–115. извлечено от https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1015