Проблемы формировaния персидской aвиaционной терминологии Стaться


  • А. Кaбдыгaлымовa КазНУ
  • А. А. Мустaфaевa КазНУ
        38 38


This article is concerned with the problems of formation of aviation terms in the Persian language.
The history of the origin of aviation terms, their origin and scope of application is considered. The specifics
of the formation of aviation terms are determined. The basic ways of formation and formation of
aviation terms in Persian are outlined. The problems of formation of aviation terms in other languages are
considered. The article also covers some ways of solving the problems of the formation of aviation terms
in the Persian language by the comparative analysis using other languages.


Как цитировать

Кaбдыгaлымовa А., & Мустaфaевa А. А. (2018). Проблемы формировaния персидской aвиaционной терминологии Стaться. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 82(3), 89–93. извлечено от https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1008