Использование тезауруса Ясауи в произведениях поэтов-«жырау»


  • А. К. Ахметбекова КазНУ
  • Д. Т. Коптилеуова КазНУ
        38 32


There was a great influence of Turkic Sufism on Kazakh ideology that
has started from Kozha Akhmet Yassaywi. But Sufi poetry is not continued
to live in Kazakh’s steppe. Our goal is to discover the use of Sufi terms and
its meaning in Jyraus’s poetry of khanate period. By the deriving the ways
of changing of Sufi words concept that were used by Yassawi we can build
up the Kazakh model of Sufism ideology


Как цитировать

Ахметбекова, А. К., & Коптилеуова, Д. Т. (2018). Использование тезауруса Ясауи в произведениях поэтов-«жырау». Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 79(4), 156–161. извлечено от https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/982