Этимологии aзербaйджaнских личных имен


  • З. И. Aббaсовa КазНУ
        49 54


The article is devoted to historical origin of Azerbaijan personal
names, and scientific facts are analysed about the personal names derived
from common names as well as proper names, systematization based on
analysis of characteristic examples is described too. Chiefly the place of
onomalogy in linguistics is determined, general theory of proper names,
semantics of onomastic units are characterized here.The study aims to
learn the creation of Azerbaijan personal names. In this scientific work the
origin and meaning of personal names are investigated scientifically. The
linguistic features of onomastic unites have been attracted to the scientific
research and have been received interesting facts. And also it has been
used from the list of rich literature.


Как цитировать

Aббaсовa З. И. (2018). Этимологии aзербaйджaнских личных имен. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 79(4), 92–97. извлечено от https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/970