Коммуникaтивные особенности интонaции в современном корейском языке


  • Ю. П. Тен КазНУ
        36 18


This article examines the problems of speech which system of Russian
language in comparison to the sound system of Korean language. Speech
that reported in optical marks will not be perceived by human, it will
remain as a dead sign. It becomes an authentic speech only when there
is an act of communication, when it is read or at least when it is sounded
silently in mind. Sounding speech transfers the information better than
the written characters. Two things are the most important in cross-cultural
communication, they are the perception of speech, that is the reading (or
listening to) in one language, and the end of the action, that is speaking (or
writing) in another language. The perception in one language and expressing
in another is one of the difficulties in communication. To overcome the
difficulties and achieve the correct pronunciation can be achieved by a
system of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing.




Как цитировать

Тен, Ю. П. (2017). Коммуникaтивные особенности интонaции в современном корейском языке. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 80(1), 284–288. извлечено от