Элементы древнетюркской лексики в современном казахском языке


  • Б. A. Aтaбaй КазНУ
  • Д. Т. Коптилеуовa КазНУ
        30 32


The vocabulary of modern Kazakh language originates from the Turkic formation. The basis of the phonological structure of the Kazakh language is also drenetyurksky language proof materials are of ancient Turkic written monuments. A number of vocabulary included in the "Divan lugat am Turk" Mahmud Kashgar, one of the greatest of the ancient Turkic written monuments in the XI XII., Is found in the modern Kazakh language. Many elements of the Kazakh language drevnetyukrskie preserved primitive form, the Turkic root. Turkic root is naidrevneyschaya historical and real unit of language, which has preserved its essence despite constant phono-morpho-semantic change, occurring in the course of building aglyunativnogo Turkic languages.




Как цитировать

Aтaбaй Б. A., & Коптилеуовa Д. Т. (2017). Элементы древнетюркской лексики в современном казахском языке. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 77(2), 162–167. извлечено от https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/843