Коммуникaтивно- прaгмaтический aнaлиз дипломaтических бумaг (нa основе вербaльных нот)


  • Н Кaмирдиновa Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • Ш. С. Кaлиевa Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        35 29


The article is devoted to communicative and pragmatic features of diplomatic papers. In this article,
the analysis of the communicative and pragmatic specifics of Arab diplomatic papers was carried out for
the first time, aimed at revealing their specific integrants. The study is conducted through consideration
of lexical and syntactic problems of diplomatic correspondence. As a result of the research, it was possible
to show for the first time the reality of the communicative-pragmatic specifics and the structural
differentiation of the functional-communicative syntax of Arab diplomatic papers caused by it. The pragmatics
of informing the genre of a verbal note finds its expression in the definition of the space-time
relationship (chronotope) of participants in the diplomatic discourse (addressee and addressee) and the
object under discussion. It is proved that the verb plays a basic role in the indication of the time of diplomatic
discourse. In addition to verbs, accurate time indicators are actively used in the texts of verbal
notes, such as indicating the number, month and year, which indicates the institutional nature of the
genre. The indication of exact dates (date - date, day of the week, month, year) reflects a prospective
character; interaction of communicants. In this paper, an attempt was made to analyze the linguopragmatic
characteristics of diplomatic discourse from the perspective of pragmalinguistics and discursive
analysis. This study is a step towards further research of the discursive genre of written diplomatic communication
as a promising subject of linguistic analysis.




Как цитировать

Кaмирдиновa Н., & Кaлиевa Ш. С. (2018). Коммуникaтивно- прaгмaтический aнaлиз дипломaтических бумaг (нa основе вербaльных нот). Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 85(2), 207–214. извлечено от