Тюркизмы в рaзных языкaх мирa


  • Г. К. Кортaбaевa Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        57 99


The languages of the Turkic peoples left many traces in a variety of languages. This article examines
the Turkism in different languages of the world. Achieving the goal determines the need to solve the following
tasks: to consider the main ways of borrowing and the concept of “Turkism”, to study the Turkism
in the “Lay of Igor’s Campaign,” to analyze the conditions and ways of penetrating the Turkism into Russian;
to consider the peculiarities of Russian names of Turkic origin.


Как цитировать

Кортaбaевa Г. К. (2018). Тюркизмы в рaзных языкaх мирa. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Востоковедения, 84(1), 182–186. извлечено от https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1077