Музыкaльные инструменты кыргызского нaродa: лингвокультурологический экскурс
The article discusses the musical instruments of the Kyrgyz people,
kinds of musical instruments and provides definitions also considered.In
conclusion we can say that the Kyrgyz folk music, it is embodied in the
form of melodic history of the people, fully displaying his free spirit, open
and friendly character and not to faint, sparkling optimism.
How to Cite
Қортaбaевa Г. Қ., & Сaрсен Ш. М. (2018). Музыкaльные инструменты кыргызского нaродa: лингвокультурологический экскурс. Journal of Oriental Studies, 79(4), 212–217. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/992