The Model of Environmental Furure City of Japan: Environmental Policy of Kitakyushu City


  • Е. А. Ахaпов КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
        58 44


The article examines the environmental problems of the city of Kitakyushu since the second half
of the twentieth century to the present, and reviews the main reforms of the four city administrations
regarding environmental policies to prevent industrial pollution and improve the state of the city’s environment.
Particular attention was paid to the process of transformation from an industrially polluted city
to the transition to the environmental future city of Japan.
An example of the Kitakyushu environmental future city model is considered to be a source of
valuable data for the Republic of Kazakhstan, which implements the state program of forced industrialinnovative
development and the concept of a green economy for entry into the industrial-economic
developed states (OECD). It is assumed that this article, from a practical point of view, plays an important
role in improving the quality of state programs in the framework of the state environmental policy
pursued by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


How to Cite

Ахaпов Е. А. (2018). The Model of Environmental Furure City of Japan: Environmental Policy of Kitakyushu City. Journal of Oriental Studies, 82(3), 14–21. Retrieved from