Morphological analysis of the ode "Corals"of Kauam ad-din al-Itkani al-Farabi and explanation to it.


  • Sh Kerim Нұр-Мүбарак Египет ислам мәдениеті университеті
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Kauam ad-din al-Itkani, kasida, arabic language, morphology, manuscript, corals.


The religious book of Кauam al-Din al-Ïtqanï al-Farabi (1286-1357), originated in the Kazakh land, called "Al-Qasida mausuai bi lalali әl masunat-fi sarf ya sharhһa " is analyzed for the first time on the basis of the manuscript, held in the library of Florence, Italy. The author examines the rules of Arabic morphology used in the work of Ibn al-Xajïbtiñ (1174 - 1249) "Käfïya", the song, the ode,  giving the explanation of them  in simple words. The article describes the manuscript, its themes, the ode is classified by the size in Arabic poetry, the artistic language  is analyzed, the examples  are given in the table.


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How to Cite

Kerim, S. (2016). Morphological analysis of the ode "Corals"of Kauam ad-din al-Itkani al-Farabi and explanation to it. Journal of Oriental Studies, 74(4). Retrieved from