Common proverbs and sayings in Kazakh and Turkish languages


  • А Zh Nazarova әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық униерситеті
  • Sh М Saduova әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық униерситеті
        140 97


proverbs, Turkish language, Kazakh language, comparative research, direct and figurative meaning.


In this article common proverbs in Kazakh and Turkish languages are examined and compared. During the comparative research work we used Kazakh-Turkish dictionaries of proverbs and sayings. Likeness of the proverbs of these languages is given as an example in this article. As a result of research it was noticed that in two languages it is possible to find an equivalent to the proverbs, but also there are proverbs without analogues. These features in languages show the close connection Turkic people during
the long time.


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How to Cite

Nazarova А. Z., & Saduova S. М. (2016). Common proverbs and sayings in Kazakh and Turkish languages. Journal of Oriental Studies, 72(2). Retrieved from