Religio- political position of China in Xinjiang (70-80 years).


  • K. K. Smagulova. Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті.
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confessional relations, socio-political, Islam idea, the problem of nation,


This article is devoted to ethnical problems of Xinjiang minority, socio- political situation, the freedom of confession and its place in policy, processes of integration. The place of the main Xinjiang religion- Islam, traditions and customs of Muslim folks in Chinese society are also described. In this way articleconsiders the processes of development features of religious identities and confessional relations in Xinjiang.


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How to Cite

Smagulova., K. K. (2016). Religio- political position of China in Xinjiang (70-80 years). Journal of Oriental Studies, 68(2). Retrieved from