Linguistic basis of consecutive interpreting in scientific and technical texts.


  • A. S. Smagulova. Центрально- Азиатский университет
        57 32


terms of oil and gas, scientific and technical communication and terminological lexicon,


The article deals with linguistic basis consistent translation of scientific and technical texts. Problems arising from the translation are more related to the transfer of special vocabulary, and only professionals working in a certain area can pick up a certain equivalent of a particular term. But the basic contradictions in the scientific and technical texts is a contradiction between the desire for maximum completeness and accuracy of the transformation of language units, at the same time, the translator should strive for brevity. The use of different means and methods of lexical and syntactic compression inherent in scientific and technical literature, allows to achieve coherence of the text and to resolve the issue between accuracy and economically.


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How to Cite

Smagulova., A. S. (2016). Linguistic basis of consecutive interpreting in scientific and technical texts. Journal of Oriental Studies, 70(4). Retrieved from