The loanwords from european language in contemporary turkish language.


  • E. Аkperova. Бакинский государственный университет
        61 58


classification, turkology, anglotsizmy, language reform,


Some aspects of adoption the words from European languages in modern Turkish language problem are examined in this article. It is noted that these loan words have penetrated to almost all spheres of Turkish language: both in political, economic, sporting, scientific as well as everyday speech. At present moment of Turkish language development the obvious excess of loan words is observed despite undertaken activities of Turkish Linguistic Community, moreover the process of adoption the new words is not still weakening. Turkish Linguistic Community pays much attention to the problem of words, adopted from West European languages. The language reform which was initiated by alphabet reform (replacement of Arabic alphabet with Latin one) and was implemented by Community of Turkish language research (this Community was created in 1932 and renamed in 1936 to Turkish Linguistic Community) had the main pont of Turkish literary language restructuring, i.e. return of it’s individuality , initial beauty and gorgeousness.


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How to Cite

Аkperova. E. (2016). The loanwords from european language in contemporary turkish language. Journal of Oriental Studies, 69(3). Retrieved from