Chinese: problems of learning and teaching


  • F. N. Daulet Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        60 121


practical course of Chinese,


The article discussed the main problems of studying and teaching of Chinese language. Chinese language is presented from different perspectives: historical , typological , pragmatic and as an object of study and teaching . The paper highlights the problem of Chinese language teaching methodology , as well as their solutions are presented to . In the final part of the article presented “Practical Chinese course in 3 parts ,” developed by the author specifically for the students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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4 Quik spoken chinese, Beijing Language and culture University Press, 2007.-257 pg. (in Chinese).
5 Business spoken tutorials. Beijing , Beijing Language and culture University Press, 2012.-318 pg. (in Chinese).
6 Shen Xiaolong, Chinese and Chinese culture, Fudan University Press, 2003, 350 p. (in Chinese).
7 F.N. Daulet Practical Chinese course in 3 parts ( handwritten ) (in Chinese).
8 F. N. Dauletova Cultural linguistics comparative phraseology Chinese and.
9 Kazakh languagesAlmaty “ Kazakh University “ 2000 -180 p. (in Kazakh).


How to Cite

Daulet, F. N. (2016). Chinese: problems of learning and teaching. Journal of Oriental Studies, 65(4). Retrieved from