Mesnevis by Nizami in the famous historical source of the 13th century


  • T.K. Badalova Институт литературы им. Низами Гянджеви Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана

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In the article it is said about the 13th century monument dealing with the history of the mighty Turkish Seljuk sultanate – in the art work (("سلجوق آل تاریخ در (السرور آیت و الصدور راحت” ("Signs of peace of mind and joy” (About the history of Seljuk dynasty) by Abu Bakr Najmaddin Mahammad ibn Ali Ravendi, in his work the prominent Azerbaijani poet of the 12th century, the world literature treasure of humanism, human values, philosophical wisdom, moral and spiritual qualities, tolerance, human and personality factor, absolute justice, etc. the place and objectives of the artistic samples used by the genius Nizami Ganjavi who enriched them with the ideas that are actual for today. The author has noted that the “masnavi”s by Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi are valuable and reliable sources for studying the certain periods of the history of Azerbaijan and the Turkic world as a whole, especially their historical personalities and statesmen. In other words, the first “Khamsa” of the world literature is not only a pearl of the artistic art, but also an invaluable historical source. Therefore, Mahammad Ravandi writing the work about the history of the Seljuks appealed to the “masnavi”s by the prominent masters of the East such as Abulgasim Firdovsi, Khaja Nizamulmulk, Nizami Ganjavi and others, it was completely natural for him to strengthen it with the artistic examples and of course, it is proved once again by the content of the verses he chose. Key words: history, Seljuks, Ravendi, art work, Nizami, “Khosrov and Shirin”, “Leyli and Majnun”.


How to Cite

Badalova, T. (2020). Mesnevis by Nizami in the famous historical source of the 13th century. Journal of Oriental Studies, 95(4), 21–29.