Avesta – Ancient Literary and Historical Monument


  • Р. К. Сaдыковa KazNU
  • Г. С. Койшыбaевa KazNU
        46 68


The article analyses Avesta, the one of the most ancient monuments of Iran. Avesta is an ancient
Iranian written monument that reached us through religious texts. The text of Avesta consists of 21 books
and 350000 words. For many years Avesta existed only orally. In addition, Avesta provides accurate information
about the ancient history of Central Asia, and not only about Iran, as well as studies of Kazakh
scientists about this sacred book. By the present time, Avesta has been preserved in the following books:
Jasna, Visperad, Videptat, Yashta, Malaya Avesta. Avesta is the literary and historical document that is an
important monument for studying antiquity, culture and life, social and political institutions, epic, and
other issues of the history and traditions of the tribes and peoples of Central Asia and Iran.


How to Cite

Сaдыковa Р. К., & Койшыбaевa Г. С. (2018). Avesta – Ancient Literary and Historical Monument. Journal of Oriental Studies, 82(3), 100–102. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1012