Special features of realization of transformation when translating fictions from Turkish into Kazakh


  • Ж. Бaкытбекулы KazNU
  • А. Т. Абуовa KazNU
        42 53         42 23


This article is considered the defining characteristics of translation of fictions from Turkish into Kazakh.
Analyzed the transformation model of translation and discussed its relevance in the translation
process from Turkish into Kazakh. Given detailed examples on types of transformation and determined
the importance of such methods when translating fictions from Turkish into Kazakh. Since there is a possibility
of changing the original text content due to improper selection of words and phrases in the target
language, it is proved that the successful realization of types of translation transformations is a prerequisite
of successful performance of all translation.


How to Cite

Бaкытбекулы Ж., & Абуовa А. Т. (2018). Special features of realization of transformation when translating fictions from Turkish into Kazakh. Journal of Oriental Studies, 82(3), 82–88. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/1007