Pre-requisites of transformation of regional cooperation into integration (based on example of countries Of Economic Belt of New Silk Road)


  • И. Н. Кренгaуз University «Turan»,
        41 41


Aim of research is to reveal prerequisites of transformation of cooperation of the countries of Economic
Belt of New Silk Road into integration. The methodology used were the main principles of economic
events study such as dialectic, historical, systematic and others allowing to deeply understanding
of the events and processes studied in development, found contradictions, characteristics and forms.
Traditional methods such as analysis synthesis, deduction and induction were also used. Originality and
value – it was done SWOT-analysis of impact of The New Silk Road (NSR) to the development of economic
and political integration. Findings and conclusion – the process of development of economic and
political cooperation is developing on the space, covering the territory of the countries of Economic Beltof
New Silk Road. There are the real prerequisites of gradual overgrowth of cooperation to integration.


How to Cite

Кренгaуз И. Н. (2018). Pre-requisites of transformation of regional cooperation into integration (based on example of countries Of Economic Belt of New Silk Road). Journal of Oriental Studies, 82(3), 46–50. Retrieved from