Translating the text of Quran into Kazakh language and the methods of interpretation


  • Қ. Қыдырбaев KazNU
  • Р. Молдaхметов KazNU
        49 39


In this article, first of all the history of the translation of the Qur’an into
the Kazakh language is presented. Here you can find out when and by whom
the holy book was interpreted into our native language. In this article you
can also find an answer to when and how the Soviet Union eradicated some
scripts that had been translated into the Kazakh language. Furthermore, in
this research other aspects are discussed such as below listed:
1. Types of translation of the Holy Quran;
2. The two main objectives of the Qur’an;
3. The linguistic features of the Arabic language;
4. The approaches to understand and interpret the Quran;
5. The language of the Qur’an is a pinnacle of the classical Arabic
6. What is the method of semantics.
The above mentioned seven research subjects thoroughly expound
the topic of this article. The main purpose of this article is to convey to the
readers in a comprehensible way how to translate and interpret the Quran
in Kazakh.


How to Cite

Қыдырбaев Қ., & Молдaхметов Р. (2018). Translating the text of Quran into Kazakh language and the methods of interpretation. Journal of Oriental Studies, 79(4), 218–222. Retrieved from