Фонетическaя природa ротaцизмa в чувaшском языке


  • Г. К. Кортaбaевa КазНУ
        34 145


The Turkic languages have long been found very interesting is the phonetic
phenomenon of rhotacism. Nature phonetic matching r ~ z is one of
the most mysterious phenomena in Turkic studies. Phonetic phenomenon
rhotacism still remains a controversial issue in linguistics. In this article the
author comments on a number of different hypotheses and tries to uncover
its meaning.


How to Cite

Кортaбaевa Г. К. (2018). Фонетическaя природa ротaцизмa в чувaшском языке. Journal of Oriental Studies, 79(4), 206–210. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/991