Diminutives in anthroponyms of kazakh and turkish languages


  • Н. Р. Бaлaбековa KazNU
        34 29


This article describes the insufficiently explored subject in linguistics
Turkic languages – diminutive and their application in anthroponyms Kazakh
and Turkish languages. Provide explanations on the terms diminutive
and anthroponyms. On examples in the Kazakh and Turkish individually
analyzed diminutive affixes. The test question is one of the insufficiently
known until now the actual fact as a separate category in the diminutive
general linguistics, including in Turkic studies.




How to Cite

Бaлaбековa Н. Р. (2018). Diminutives in anthroponyms of kazakh and turkish languages. Journal of Oriental Studies, 79(4), 162–166. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/983