The image of the marital migrants (As marital migrant’s example)


  • Н. Б., Ем КazNU
  • Г. Aбейбековa КazNU
        45 35


The author research the reasons and conditions of perception of marital
migrants in South Korean society. The author showed the basic postulates
which television program of governmental Mass Media try to deliver
to society. The image cultivated by TV programs telecast on the governmental
level as the author supposes does not reflect the situation in relation
to marriage migrants in South Korea. In spite incongruity of the fact of
the uprising of some marital migrant sin the society, there is a real problem
with the real situation of marital migrants.


How to Cite

Ем, Н. Б., & Aбейбековa Г. (2018). The image of the marital migrants (As marital migrant’s example). Journal of Oriental Studies, 79(4), 18–24. Retrieved from