Features of translation Korean realia into Kazakh language


  • A. К. Тургaнбaй КазНУ
        67 62


This article is devoted to theoretical and practical analysis of translation
problems in Kazakhstan through a review of the major difficulties in
translating the realia from Korean into Kazakh language in a literary text. As
you know, way of life, climatic factors, geographic location, history and society
strongly influence the formation of some of the features of the culture
and is displayed in the language of the nation. The importance of this work
lies in the fact that today the problems of classification, characteristics and
the translation of realia are still open.


How to Cite

Тургaнбaй A. К. (2017). Features of translation Korean realia into Kazakh language. Journal of Oriental Studies, 78(3), 154–158. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/954