Historical Changes of Values on Diligence and Indolence


  • Сун Ок, Ок, Мионг КазНУ
  • Бенг Сун Сун Чaн КазНУ
  • Н. Aльджaновa КазНУ
        48 45


In this era the person who is considered idle is condemned. However, seeing laziness is not always negative throughout the human history. The dichotomy of values between idleness and diligence has been strengthened historically and culturally along with the impact of industry revolution, protestant spirit, and capitalism. Actually, the logic of power accompanied by cultural repression is concealed behind the value judgment of diligence and laziness.


How to Cite

Мионг, С. О. О., Чaн Б. С. С., & Aльджaновa Н. (2017). Historical Changes of Values on Diligence and Indolence. Journal of Oriental Studies, 78(3), 120–124. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/939