Object of the research methods of Chinese language teaching


  • A. К. Aнипинa КазНУ
  • Н. Шәріпқaзы КазНУ
        45 49


When teaching a foreign language to use different techniques – it increases the interest of the student. Therefore, a new training requirements emerge and new teaching methods. These methods teachers should effectively use. Therefore, this article deals with the problems of research methods training, explores new methods of teaching Chinese language, examples are given.


How to Cite

Aнипинa A. К., & Шәріпқaзы Н. (2017). Object of the research methods of Chinese language teaching. Journal of Oriental Studies, 78(3), 76–80. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/930