Translation features of korean literary texts into kazakh language


  • Бенг Сун Чaн КазНУ
  • А. Қ. Тұрғaнбaй КазНУ
        65 63


The scientific article is devoted to the problems and peculiarities of
translation of literary texts, especially literary texts from Korean into the
Kazakh language, as the literary texts are a major part of every nation and
culture. The importance of identifying features of the Kazakh and other
languages, training of future specialists, strengthening socio-cultural relations
between the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries specified
in the laws of language policy. The relevance of this article lies in the fact
that these provisions require a thorough research in the field of translation
from the Kazakh language into other languages, and additional new facts
and conclusions.


How to Cite

Чaн Б. С., & Тұрғaнбaй А. Қ. (2017). Translation features of korean literary texts into kazakh language. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 292–302. Retrieved from