Status of proverbs and idioms in translation studies


  • Д. Тaубaлдиевa КазНУ
  • Ғ. Ж. Бекқaли КазНУ
        47 45


It’s very important for each translator to know the role of proverbs
and sayings, and collocations in everyday life and in other social spheres
of human life, and to determine how often they occur in the practice of
translation. Quite often, they are faced with this topic in the translation
practice. Awareness about the areas of human activity in which proverbs
and sayings, and idioms are particularly frequent, simplifies the work of an
This article is written based on the research, which was conducted as a
survey among translators, and on its results in the form of diagrams.


How to Cite

Тaубaлдиевa Д., & Бекқaли Ғ. Ж. (2017). Status of proverbs and idioms in translation studies. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 278–282. Retrieved from