Тoponyms in the Kazakh and Turkish languages


  • А. Ж. Нaзaровa КазНУ
        54 52


The article deals with morphological structure of place names in Russian
and Kazakh languages. In Kazakh and Russian languages, the composition
and structure of names is a complex process. Morphological structure
of place names is closely connected with the rules of word formation of the
language. Word-building means not only the formation of new words but
also a semantic change.
In the process of creating place names in Russian and Kazakh languages
are used all the ways of word formation. Place names the same as the
derivative words are formed through three main ways of word formation.


How to Cite

Нaзaровa А. Ж. (2017). Тoponyms in the Kazakh and Turkish languages. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 266–271. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/916