Persian books of Munshi Naval Kishor’s publisher house which are stored in the National and Science Library of Kazakhstan


  • Г. A. Кaмбaрбековa КазНУ
        56 41


This paper devoted to the Persian Printed books of well-known Indian
publisher Munshi Nawal Kishor (1836-1895) which were published in
Kanpur and Lakhnow. Most of the Persian Printed books were published in
India, particularly in Munshi Nawal Kishor’s publisher house. Persian Printed
books spread all over the India, even abroad India. Especially, many
Persian Printed books of Munshi Nawal Kishor’s publisher house were
used in maktabs and madrasas of Central Asia. Persian Printed books of
Munshi Nawal Kishor’s publisher house preserved in the fund of National
and Science Library of Kazakhstan considered as confirmation materials. In
this paper Munshi Nawal Kishor considered as a person who contributed in
the development of education system of Central Asia with exact samples.


How to Cite

Кaмбaрбековa Г. A. (2017). Persian books of Munshi Naval Kishor’s publisher house which are stored in the National and Science Library of Kazakhstan. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 212–218. Retrieved from