Some features of proverbs of work “DiwaniLugat at-Turk”


  • A. Қ. Қaлиев КазНУ
  • Г. К. Теменовa КазНУ
        56 113


Studying and researching the history of language is interesting and
challenging in one breath. You can find those words in today’s Turkish dictionary. In particular, archaic words by changing with due time, with
the change of generations, developing depending on language internal opportunities, in order to ensure its needs, to complete word stock as a result of external influence to develop and change, language are borrowed and
mastered words. The article deals with some features of the proverbs in the work of MahmudKashgari “DiwaniLugat at-Turk”, and becomes noticeable
even equivalents that native words, used at the present time.


How to Cite

Қaлиев A. Қ., & Теменовa Г. К. (2017). Some features of proverbs of work “DiwaniLugat at-Turk”. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 200–204. Retrieved from