Characteristic features of the style of the works of the Egyptian writer J. Hak


  • Д. Көптілеуова КазНУ
  • Ф. Жумажанова КазНУ
        53 45


Bed scenes in his work J. Hakki uses exclusively for artistic purposes,
with a certain meaning, and not to interest the reader, or make his stories
entertaining. The reader sees exactly how much is necessary to understand
the feelings and experiences of the characters. The means which used by
the author reflect the reality in his works.


How to Cite

Көптілеуова, Д., & Жумажанова, Ф. (2017). Characteristic features of the style of the works of the Egyptian writer J. Hak. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 194–199. Retrieved from