Lexical features of diplomatic units found in the documents of the era of the Ottoman Empire


  • Г. A. Бегимовa KazNU
  • Қ. К. Кенжaлин KazNU
        50 39


History of diplomatic documents, written in Turkish, ancient. The letters
in the Turkish language, written in the distant past, have survived to
this day. The texts, written in the time of the Ottoman Empire, of sufficient
quality, in the field of linguistic theory harmoniously structure composition
and grammatical base. The order of words in a sentence of the time saved
in the modern Turkish language.
The article discusses the diplomatic units, found in documents written
during the Ottoman Empire. Studied each diplomatic unit, the definition
of each word.


How to Cite

Бегимовa Г. A., & Кенжaлин Қ. К. (2017). Lexical features of diplomatic units found in the documents of the era of the Ottoman Empire. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 162–167. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/898