Difficulties in Translation from Turkish into Kazakh


  • Ж. Бaкытбекулы KazNU
  • A. Aбуовa КазНУ
        55 69


This article is considered the common aspects and specific features
of the Kazakh and Turkish languages. Discusses about confusing words
specific to both languages, difficulties in translation from Turkish into Kazakh
and inversely, as well as the common words in the dictionary of two
languages. Gives some examples of the common words from the point of
view of parts of speech, and identifies differences in their writing. Proves
the fact of similarity of two languages not only at the level of words, but
also at the level of phrases, sentences. Describes today’s interaction of two


How to Cite

Бaкытбекулы Ж., & Aбуовa A. (2017). Difficulties in Translation from Turkish into Kazakh. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 142–146. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/895