Zen Buddhism in Japanese poetry


  • Л. Т. Балакаева КазНУ
  • М. С. Османова КазНУ
        49 89


This article attempts to examine the impact of Zen-buddizm on Japanese
poetry.The definition of the concept of Zen-buddizm, its ideological
principles. Reveals the origins of Zen -buddizm, its influence on Japanese
culture. Emphasis is placed on the reflection of the ideas of zen-buddhism
in the creation of the famous Japanese poet Matsuo Basho as well as traditional
Japanese poetry haikai genre.


How to Cite

Балакаева, Л. Т., & Османова, М. С. (2017). Zen Buddhism in Japanese poetry. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 142–146. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/894