Crisis of «the little person» in stories «Melancholy» of A. P. Chekhov and «Wedding and Funeral» Muhammad Teymur (comparative analysis)


  • Толба Валид Ахмед Аль-Альсун Айн-Шамского университета в Египте,
        54 82


Interest of the Egyptian literature in works of the Russian writers and
especially to A. Chekhov’s creativity was not casual. Universality and versatility
of the sphere of search in universal and humane questions pushed
the Egyptian writers to be interested in masterpieces of the Russian writers.
And not only coincidence in historical and public conditions connected his
creativity with Arab, but also a form of the small story corresponding to liking
the Arab mentality., therefore in works of the Egyptian short-story writer
hatred to oppression, injustice, and stratification of society is always felt.


How to Cite

Валид Ахмед, Т. (2017). Crisis of «the little person» in stories «Melancholy» of A. P. Chekhov and «Wedding and Funeral» Muhammad Teymur (comparative analysis). Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 114–121. Retrieved from