Nuclear policy of Iran and international community


  • Э. Фридмaн KazNU
  • Н. Ә. Алдaбек KazNU
  • С. Т. Джaкубaевa KazNU
        52 59


The article gives an analysis of Iran’s nuclear program in the context
of relations with the international community. Iran’s cooperation with international
organizations according to its nuclear policyhas a great importance,
especially in the light of the lifting of the latest political sanctions
of Europe and the US directed against Iran’s nuclear program. There are
many contradictions between the United States and Iran as «virtual nuclear
state»,developing nuclear technologies, as well as the enrichment of
uranium for peaceful purposes. The interaction of Iran with international
communities, in which both sides are interested, alleviates these contradictions
and promotes closer cooperation and compromises in their further


How to Cite

Фридмaн Э., Алдaбек Н. Ә., & Джaкубaевa С. Т. (2017). Nuclear policy of Iran and international community. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 106–112. Retrieved from