«Orteke» tradition in cultures of turkic-speaking nationalities


  • Б. Aбишевa КazNU
        58 130


The article discusses the genesis of the genre Orteke, the history of
its origin and features of functioning. Orteke origins date back to ancient
times and are associated with early nomadic and hunting way of life of the
Central Asian nations. In this genre are presented elements of several kinds
of art: folk and the actual musical instrument, dance, and gaming, theater
and arts and crafts. Orteke associated with the most important constants
worldview culture, the so-called “ideological syncretism”, not only Turks,
but also in the whole of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia.


How to Cite

Aбишевa Б. (2017). «Orteke» tradition in cultures of turkic-speaking nationalities. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 50–55. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/875