The evolution of spirituality and the moral beginning in the ancient Turkic’s worldview


  • Б. М Aтaш KazNU
  • Ә. A. Құрaнбек KazNU
  • Н. М. Тәттібек KazNU
        68 37


The article discusses the evolution of spirituality and moral principles
of the ancient turkic worldview. First of all, reveals the specific difficulties
and contradictions of the study of this problem, including: insufficient volume
of materials written sources, preserved ancient manuscripts; specific
understanding of spirituality, level of spirituality and wisdom in some moments
become metaphysical in nature; still preserved in our minds europocentrism
stereotypes; coverage of extended period of the age of prototurk.
Next, the authors present an overview of spiritual and moral foundations
of ancient religious faith, reveal and show the basic laws and the sources of
the ethical teachings of the beginning of Zoroastrianism, the opposite two
spirits, rituals with fire, the holiday «Nauryz», etc. features of spirituality.
Further, taking into account the important role in tengriism such category
as will and freedom, responsibility and duty, heroism and bravery reveals
the moral-regulatory function of faith.


How to Cite

Aтaш Б. М., Құрaнбек Ә. A., & Тәттібек, Н. М. (2017). The evolution of spirituality and the moral beginning in the ancient Turkic’s worldview. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 26–34. Retrieved from