Turcish publicism and is role society


  • A. Т. Aбуовa KazNU
  • A. Мaхсутовa KazNU
        57 192


The article is about Turkish publicistical style genres, types, role in society and important sides. Publicistic style is the most widely used and
popular style. Publicistic style-political, cultural, sports, etc. in the framework  of a functional language, serving a kind of public relations. Publicistic
style is containedpolitical information in various newspapers, magazines, brochuresin Turkish society. There are issues specific to Turkish publicistic
style: imagery and political clarity. These matters occur to formulate people’s consciousness, public opinion for social purpose.


How to Cite

Aбуовa A. Т., & Мaхсутовa A. (2017). Turcish publicism and is role society. Journal of Oriental Studies, 80(1), 4–8. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/868