A Cross-linguistic Comparison Between Mongolian and Chinese


  • B Chuluunbaatar B., KazNU
  • D. Baltabekova KazNU
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In this article, the authors provide a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic analysis of the Mongolian and Chinese languages. Chinese, as a representative of the isolated languages and Mongolian as agglutinative, typologically very different. However, historical and cultural ties between Mongolia and China left a trace on the lexical fund of both languages. In this article, the authors by means of concrete examples present the similar features and characteristics in Mongolian and Chinese languages.


How to Cite

Chuluunbaatar B., B., & Baltabekova, D. (2017). A Cross-linguistic Comparison Between Mongolian and Chinese. Journal of Oriental Studies, 77(2), 320–324. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/866