Diktogloss as a methodological procedure for the implementation and development of communication skills


  • Н. С. Рыспековa KazNU
        49 37


The problem of Japanese learners lies usually in the lack of the working knowledge of the language. Dictogloss is an activity to execute i+1 input and output. This paper clarifies the improvement of integrated competence such as grammar, listening, vocabulary and note-taking skills through dictogloss using the texts contains i+1 contents. To participate in peer-activities, learners become resources for each other, and which proved to contribute to cultivate learner autonomy.


How to Cite

Рыспековa Н. С. (2017). Diktogloss as a methodological procedure for the implementation and development of communication skills. Journal of Oriental Studies, 77(2), 276–280. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/856