Тhe сonnection between personal pronouns and possessive completions


  • A. Ж. Нaзaровa КazNU
  • Ш. М. Сaдуовa KazNU
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In this article examined to the сonnection between personal pronoun and possessive pronoun in Turkish languages. We a form that grew short to classify possessive completion my consciousness talks we examine. Sound of н in possessive composition of completions to classify me the general is activity of sound of н on my consciousness personalities.

How to Cite

Нaзaровa A. Ж., & Сaдуовa Ш. М. (2017). Тhe сonnection between personal pronouns and possessive completions. Journal of Oriental Studies, 77(2), 258–262. Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/854