Influence of Confucianism on development of modern society of People’s Republic of China


  • A.A., A. Тургенбaй КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
  • Г. Р. Оразбекова КазНУ
  • Р. Қалибай КазНУ
        45 49


In this article discusses the cause of economic and social economic development of China in the XXI century, it is regarded as Confucianism, which is a solid foundation and a guarantee from the ancient times of continuous development of the Chinese civilization.
Kеy words: Confucius, Confucianism, ideology


How to Cite

Тургенбaй A. A., Оразбекова, Г. Р., & Қалибай, Р. (2017). Influence of Confucianism on development of modern society of People’s Republic of China. Journal of Oriental Studies, 77(2), 124–128. Retrieved from