Actual problems of transformation of the spiritual values of Turkic civilization in the context of globalization


  • Б. М Аташ Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • A. A Куранбек Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • С K Турганбеков Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        51 93


Turk spiritual values, the revival, the Turkic spirit, spirituality, human development,


This article discusses the problem of reviving the spiritual values of
the Turkic people. The authors present a theoretical and methodological
foundations of development of spiritual values, simulated practical aspects
of its implementation. The article shows the main targets of the strategy
of Turkish identity in the context of globalization and the inclusion of Kazakhstan
in the vectors of development of world culture. In the context of
globalization and the formation of a single global information space, the
transition to market relations, the situation in the new state the role and
importance of Turkish integration increases since understanding that all
Turkic peoples have a common history, language and traditions makes the
idea of Turkic relevant and meaningful interaction. In today’s geopolitical
and inter-civilization integration more actualized the problem of innovation,
borrowed and adapted to the socio-cultural and ideological representations
arising in the ancient environment that contribute to the consolidation
of the Turkic peoples and values of the Turkic world in the context of


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How to Cite

Аташ, Б. М., Куранбек A. A., & Турганбеков С. K. (2024). Actual problems of transformation of the spiritual values of Turkic civilization in the context of globalization. Journal of Oriental Studies, 76(1). Retrieved from