The impact of globalization on traditional culture and values of modern Arab society


  • S. Т. Amanzhol . Абылай хан атындағы Қазақ халықаралық қатынастар және әлем тілдері университеті
        81 57


the process of globalization, the impact of globalization, Arab society, religion, the Arabic language, Arab etiquette, Arab national clothes, Arab national food,


The article deals with the problems of the changes in traditional culture
and values of modern Arab society in the process of globalization, particularly
in religion, language, etiquette, clothing and food. Current global
changes in the world and a new period of mankind have an impact on
the development of the states in the world including Arab countries. Globalization
is reflected in economic development, social status, education,
culture, moral and religious spheres of Arab countries.


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How to Cite

Amanzhol . S. Т. (2024). The impact of globalization on traditional culture and values of modern Arab society. Journal of Oriental Studies, 76(1). Retrieved from