The new economic policy of Kazakhstan “Nurly Zhol” in the context of mutual synergy with the program “One belt – one way” of China


  • N. Aldabek Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби,
        69 46


«Нұрлы жол», возрождение Шелкового пути, экономическая политика, КНР,


This article analyzes the relations between two countries in the context
of mutual synergy of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan and China.
Analyzed the effectiveness of the current economic and trade relations and
predicted new horizons of mutual beneficial relations. Characterized modern
relationship between China and Kazakhstan, and also is given analysis
of inter-state relations in the context of the revival of the Silk Road. There
mutually side of the Chinese leadership initiative “The Economic Belt of
the Silk Road” for Kazakhstan and the importance of Kazakhstan’s policy
to attract Chinese investment to diversify own economy.


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How to Cite

Aldabek, N. (2024). The new economic policy of Kazakhstan “Nurly Zhol” in the context of mutual synergy with the program “One belt – one way” of China. Journal of Oriental Studies, 76(1). Retrieved from