Chagatai language and periods of its development


  • Z Shadkam Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • B K Bazarkulova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
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The Middle Ages, Chagatai language, Central Asia


Recently with the support of our President a lot of information is gathered and a big sum of money is allocated in order to research our Kazakh people’s history with the program cultural heritage.  Most of the facts that were unknown for Kazakh people were written in Chagatai language. In this article we will try to give information about the development of Chagatai language using Turk professor M.Argunshah’s work “Chagatai’s Turkish” which was written about Chagatai language. Because, as our ancestors spoke in this language from the middle ages to the beginning of XX century it is very important to learn from the original source of information instead of using translation in order to establish Kazakh national  consciousness. Therefore, nowaday we believe that we should include Chagatai language as the obligatory subject to the professions like History, Kazakh Philology, Oriental Studies and Turkish Studies. 


1. Argunşah M. Çağatay Türkçesi, Kesit yayınları, - Ankara, 2013.- 381 б.
2. Eckmann J., çeviri: Prof. Dr. Karaağaç G. Çağatayca El Kitabı, Kesit yayınları, - Ankara, 2012. - 316 б.
3. Kafalı M. Çğatay Hanlığı(1227-1345), Berikan yayınevi. – Ankara, 2005. - 389 б.
4. Teres E. Çağatay Türkçesi (dilbilgisi ve metin çalışmaları), Sürat yayınları, -İstanbul, 2013. - 224 б.


How to Cite

Shadkam, Z., & Bazarkulova, B. K. (2016). Chagatai language and periods of its development. Journal of Oriental Studies, 74(4). Retrieved from