"Big dictionary" of Arabic Language Academy in Cairo as an alternative of Arabic Historical Dictionary of August Fisher


  • О М Shayakhmetov Университет «Нур-Мубарак»
  • А А Mustafayeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби,
        48 67


лексикография, исторический словарь, диахронический подход, иллюстративный материал


The article narrates the first steps towards learning and scientific description of the dynamics of the vocabulary of the Arabic language, it affects the discussion questions of historical lexicography. For the first time in domestic Arabic studies provide information about the first Arabic historical dictionaries, their methods in the selection of sources, the location of the illustrative material, the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methods.


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2 Shawki D. Arabic Language Academy in fifty years. Arabic Language Academy in Cairo. – Cairo,1984.– 568 p.
3 Big dictionary. Arabic Language Academy in Cairo. – Cairo,2006. – 700p.
4 Hussein N.Arabic dictionary: origins and evolution. Dar Misrlittiba’a. 1988.–682p.
5 Al-Khalib N.Function witness in the Arab dictionary of modern conservatism and innovation. //Research center in the
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6 Diwan Al-Nabighaaz-Zubyani.Sun’a ibn as-sikkeet. Damascus: Dar al-fikr. 1968.
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8 MadkourA.The Arabic Language Academy in thirty years.Arabic Language Academy in Cairo. – Cairo,1964. – 456p.
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How to Cite

Shayakhmetov О. М., & Mustafayeva А. А. (2016). "Big dictionary" of Arabic Language Academy in Cairo as an alternative of Arabic Historical Dictionary of August Fisher. Journal of Oriental Studies, 73(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-orientalism.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-vostok/article/view/717